Mr. Elf (Part 2)
Last time...
Suddenly, the wind grew intensely faster. It twirled around in a circle until it violently disappeared and Mr. Elf fell. When he arose, the potion and book were gone. He knew exactly where they went: to his magical house.
He explored the library further but found nothing of interest so he decided to leave. But all of a sudden, a strong breeze blew past him and left him shivering. The doors slammed shut, and the floor gave way.
His entire body hurt. He seemed to be in a big, dark room enchanted with some kind of magic that seemed to be draining away his energy but not so much as to make him pass out again. Whoever made this trap must've made it especially for spell-makers, witches and magicians. He was also tied up to a chair anchored to the earth.
"Wondering where you are?" mocked a familiar voice that sounded female.
"Coral Blackwood." said Mr. Elf.
"Yes, it's me!" chuckled Coral. She flicked a switch and a blinding flash of light illuminated the room. Mr. Elf noticed keys hanging from her waist. Coral was a plump little woman, with pure black hair and probably a pure black heart, too. Her facial features were nothing but attractive but she was always known as the "kind witch" in where Mr. Elf lived. Turns out that nickname was misleading.
"Why would you do this? You were always kind to me!"
"Did you really think that I would really be sincerely nice to you? You always get credit for everything just because you've dealt with magic the longest!" yelled Coral.
While Coral was babbling about how life was so unfair, Mr. Elf found out something. The magic was making her weaker, too although definitely not as much as it was effecting him. Now he would just have to utilize that fact to escape. But how?
"- Now I can steal your magical powers and then I'll be famous! Oh, and by the way, that spell and that book was fake." Coral let out what Mr. Elf thought was supposed to be an evil laugh.
"You seriously need to work on that."
"Hmm.. You seem to have developed a better sense of humor since we last met. But no matter! You're going to be dead sooner or later! Oh wait, did I not mention that? Silly me!" Coral raised her hands and the room began to collapse.
Meanwhile, Mr. Elf had been busy trying to untie his bonds. Coral might have been good at magic, but she definitely wasn't great at tying knots. Finally, Mr. Elf broke free. He swiped Coral off her feet and nicked the keys from her. He quickly unlocked the door, trying not to collapse from exhaustion.
He escaped into fresh air, and felt a surge of magic. He muttered a few magic words, and vaporised right before he heard a big, BOOM! He was safe in his house. The next thing he knew, his vision went black.
The next morning, news got around about Coral's disappearance. Mr. Elf felt guilty, but he had no other choice.
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